Registration is open for flag football, football, cheerleading, volleyball through the Bladen County Parks and Recreation.
ELIZABETHTOWN — Registration for Bladen County Parks and Recreation youth Football, Flaf Football, Cheerleading and Volleyball is open now through Sept. 8th.
Flag Football: League play begins in mid-October and ends in late November. League is for boys and girls ages 5-7. Games are played at the Bladen County Park. Registration fee is $40.
Youth Football (tackle): League play begins in mid-October and ends in late November. League age divisions are 7-9, 10-12. Games are played at the Bladen County Park. Registration fee is $40.
Youth cheerleading: League play begins in mid-October and ends in late November. Age groups are 7-9 and 10-12. Cheering will be for our Youth Football League. All games are played at the Bladen County Park. Registration fee is $35.
Youth Volleyball: League play begins in late October and ends in mid-December. Age groups are 8-9, 10-11 and 12-14. All games are played at King Street Gym in Elizabethtown. Registration fee is $35.
Parents can register children in-person at the Recreation center or online at bladeninfo.org. For more information, call 910-862-6770. For information on coaching, ask for Clint Allen or send email to clintallen@bladenco.org.