LUMBERTON – Lumber River United Way Board of Directors has announced its 2023 funding allocations to human service agencies and programs in Bladen, Hoke, and Robeson Counties.
Starting July 1 of this year, four Bladen County, three Hoke County, and eleven Robeson County nonprofits will receive $295,000 in funding from Lumber River United Way. Funding agreements are for two years and are based on United Way’s annual campaign total. Monies raised in the respective counties stay in those counties.
American Red Cross – $40,500
Bladen County Department of Social Services – $2,500
Bladen County 4-H – $5,000
Cape Fear Council, Boy Scouts of America – $5,000
Caring Touch Outreach Center – $10,000
Communities in Schools of Robeson County – $38,000
Families First – $5,000
Hoke County Domestic Violence Center – $15,000
Hoke County 4-H – $10,000
Lumberton Christian Care Center – $5,000
Maggie’s Outreach Community Economic Development – $5,000
Rape Crisis Center of Robeson County – $20,000
Robeson County Partnership for Children – $5,000
Robeson County 4-H – $29,000
Robeson House – $20,000
Southeastern Family Violence Center – $50,000
UNC Health Southeastern – $25,000
Wilmington Rebuilding Area Ministry’s – $5,000
Agencies submitted applications, provided current nonprofit status documentation, and made presentations to United Way’s volunteer Community Investment Panel, which then made funding recommendations to the Lumber River United Way Board of Directors based on how well the agencies were addressing United Way’s funding priorities. Funding priorities are health, education, financial stability, and basic needs/crisis services.
“We had an excellent group of volunteers studying the agencies this year and a top-notch group of partner agencies was recommended for funding to the board,” said Lumber River United Way Executive Director Tate Johnson. “Essentially it is our donors who decide how to divide the dollars in our United Way process.”
In addition to the $295,000 community investment in Bladen, Hoke, and Robeson County nonprofit programs, United Way will invest over $85,000 in direct services. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, education classroom grants, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, and the Public Schools of Robeson Couty McKinney-Vento program just to name a few.
Lumber River United Way will kick off the 2023 Campaign on August 1, 2023, with a cookout on the Lumberton Riverwalk. The 2023 Campaign kick-off will also include a ribbon-cutting ceremony for United Way’s new office located at 301 N Water Street in downtown Lumberton.
About Lumber River United Way
Lumber River United Way brings together people and resources to tackle complex issues and drive sustainable positive change. We unite individuals, nonprofits, businesses, and government partners to fight for the health, education, and financial stability of each and every person in every corner of Bladen, Hoke, and Robeson Counties. To learn more visit