Apple Snail egg clusters were recently found along the Lumber River in Lumberton.

Apple Snail egg clusters were recently found along the Lumber River in Lumberton.

<p>Photos courtesy NC Wildlife Resources Commission</p>

Photos courtesy NC Wildlife Resources Commission

<p>The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has confirmed a report that zebra mussels were found in a quarry on private property.</p>
                                 <p>Photos courtesy NC Wildlife Resources Commission</p>
                                <p>Photos courtesy USGS</p>

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has confirmed a report that zebra mussels were found in a quarry on private property.

Photos courtesy NC Wildlife Resources Commission

Photos courtesy USGS

The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) announced this week that zebra mussels, a harmful invasive aquatic species, have been identified in an Iredell County waterbody. This is the first time this species has been identified in the wild in North Carolina.

On Sept. 21, NCWRC, with assistance from scuba divers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, investigated and confirmed a report of zebra mussels in a quarry on private property.

NCWRC believes the mussels are contained to the quarry and is working on options for treatment while continuing its investigation.

Zebra mussels are prolific. Adult mussels can move to other water bodies by attaching themselves to boats, docks lifts and other water-related equipment. Microscopic larvae can be transported in any water that is moved to another location including through diving equipment, live wells, bait buckets, boat bilges, or other gear.

Zebra mussels can quickly take over an environment once they are established and affect the health of other aquatic wildlife by disrupting the food chain and changing the chemistry of the water.

They are capable of clogging both public drinking and wastewater systems, as well as damaging recreational equipment.

In March 2021, zebra mussels were found living in moss balls that were being sold in pet stores for aquarium use. Because of their destructive impact, it is unlawful to transport, purchase, possess, sell or stock zebra mussels in public or private North Carolina waters.

To prevent the spread of invasive species NCWRC offers the following guidance:

Clean: Equipment of all aquatic plants, animals and mud.

Drain: Water from boats, live wells, bait buckets and all equipment.

Dry: All equipment thoroughly

Never Move: Fish, plants or other organisms from one body of water to another.

To report suspected zebra mussels, please contact the NCWRC’s district fisheries biologist offices.

Visit NCWRC’s aquatic nuisance species webpage for guidance on disinfecting snorkel and SCUBA gear and for more information on zebra mussels.

Help Stop the Spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species Aquatic nuisance species are plants and animals introduced into waters that cause ecological and/or economic harm if established. Aquatic nuisance species include apple snails, didymo, gill lice, hydrilla, whirling disease, zebra mussel, giant salvinia and many others. Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers

How Can You Help?

Do not transport live fish from one water body to another.

Even if a fish looks fine on the outside, it may carry the parasites or other pathogens and can introduce disease. Illegal stockings can result in unwanted introductions that can have irreversible consequences. The Commission requires a stocking permit to stock any fish into North Carolina’s public waters.

Carefully clean all equipment after fishing.

Rinse all mud, dirt, sand and all visible plants, fish and animals from equipment (see list below). Aquatic nuisance species are known to adhere to these kinds of materials and can potentially be carried on gear from one stream to another. Careful cleaning using disinfectants such as household bleach will kill all forms of the parasite and reduces the risk of spreading this and other aquatic nuisance species. Remember to rinse your equipment thoroughly after using bleach to prevent this chemical from entering bodies of water.

Dispose of fish parts carefully when cleaning fish.

Dry disposal is best; dispose of the carcass in the garbage, by deep burying, or by total burning. Please do not dispose of fish heads, skeletons or entrails in any body of water. This can spread parasites and disease. Also, don’t discard entrails or heads of fish down a garbage disposal. Many parasites can survive most water treatment plants and infect areas downstream.