ELIZABETHTOWN — The NC Cooperative Extension – Bladen Center continues its Better Bladen Series 2023 with “AG Awareness: Myth Busters” set for 5:30-6:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Powell Melvin Ag Center 450 Smith Circle, Elizabethtown
“You hear a lot in the news and on social media about agriculture and farming – some true, some false and some in the middle. Join us to learn about these topics:
Agricultural terms explained – what do certain agricultural terms really mean.
– Who owns farms and what does a large farm mean?
– The importance of agriculture in Bladen County and North Carolina.
– Other agricultural related topics.
To register for the event, call 910-862-4591 or send email to joel_fulton@ncsu.edu
You can also register online at https://go.ncsu.edu/betterbladenregistration
Beef Production
The North Carolina Cooperative Extension has planned a Beef Reproduction workshop for producers in Bladen, Columbus, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson, Sampson, and Scotland County centers.
“Join us for a hands-on beef reproduction field day on Nov. 28 at the Sampson County Livestock Arena, according to a statement from extension officials.
“Topics will focus on male and female reproduction, calving season and process, vaccination and health management, heifer development and management, bull development and management, understanding expected progeny differences (EPD), natural mating, artificial insemination and heat detection, advanced technologies (estrus synchronization, timed Al, embryo transfer, etc.), and pregnancy checking.”
The event will take place at the Sampson County Livestock Arena, 55 Agriculture Place in Clinton. The cost is $20 per person. You can bring your check or cash to the meeting. Please register by Nov. 22 using the following link: https://go.ncsu.edu/beefrepo23.
For more information contact Becky Spearman at 910-862-4591.