1. Is the book of 1 Corinthians (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither?
2. For not believing his wife would conceive, who was struck mute, not being able to speak? Gabriel, Zachariah, Joash, Mesha
3. The Lord’s Prayer, the Beatitudes and the Golden Rule are found in what sermon? Lamb blood, Agnus, On the mount, Dry bones
4. According to David, what does God’s spiritual cleansing make us whiter than? Light, Clouds, Wool, Snow
5. How many times is the name “Lucifer” mentioned in the Bible (KJV)? 1, 7, 9, 13
6. From Psalm 19, what do the heavens declare? Holiness, Glory of God, Creation, Mighty wind
ANSWERS: 1) New, 2) Zachariah, 3) On the mount, 4) Snow, 5) 1 (Isaiah 14:12), 6) Glory of God. Find expanded trivia online with Wilson Casey at FREE TRIAL!