1. Is the book of Song of Solomon (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither?

2. Who did Zachariah not believe on telling him his wife would conceive? Jesus, Luke, Gabriel, Mark

3. From Numbers 27, who became Moses’ successor as leader of Israel? Aaron, Abraham, Elisha, Joshua

4. How many times is the phrase “holy ground” mentioned in the Bible (KJV)? 2, 24, 37, 64

5. From Mark 11, who did Jesus cast out of the Temple? Armies of Satan, Harlots, Money changers, Lepers

6. What king saw the “handwriting on the wall”? Darius, Belshazzar, Daniel, Solomon

ANSWERS: 1) Old, 2) Gabriel, 3) Joshua, 4) 2 (Ex 3:5, Acts 7:3), 5) Money changers, 6) Belshazzar