1. Is the book of Shimeah (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither?

2. In Joshua 10, which people were killed by great stones cast down from heaven? Amorites, Samarians, Canaanites, Nazarenes

3. From Genesis 2:24, what phrase describes the marriage of a man and a woman? Holy matrimony, God’s reward, One flesh, Today forever

4. Which insect is mentioned in the book of James as an eater of garments? Gnat, Hornet, Ant, Moth

5. What king of Bashan had an iron bed thirteen and a half feet long? Edrei, Og, Argob, Senir

6. On which day of creation was the sun made? First, Second, Third, Fourth

ANSWERS: 1) Neither, 2) Amorites, 3) One flesh, 4) Moth, 5) Og, 6) Fourth