Wilson Casey

King Features

1. Is the book of 1 Peter (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither?

2. What was a god of the Philistines that had a man’s face and hands, but the body and tail of a fish? Bullock, Elohim, Dagon, Baal-gad

3. Who slew a giant that had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot when he defied Israel? Sibbechai, Cyrus, Silas, Jonathan

4. From Proverbs 22, what is a good name better than? Great riches, Scorn, Its own reward, Lust

5. What town was home to Jesse’s boys? Gilgal, Jericho, Hebron, Bethlehem

6. On which day of creation did dry ground appear? Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth

ANSWERS: 1) New, 2) Dagon, 3) Jonathan, 4) Great riches, 5) Bethlehem, 6) Third

“Test Your Bible Knowledge,” a book with 1,206 multiple-choice questions by columnist Wilson Casey, is available in stores and online.