Pork and Sauerkraut has been known to be a German dish served on New Years Day as it represents Good Luck. In other countries it is considered a winter dish. So, it is OK to make this recipe now as we are moving toward chillier days (because as you know, “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!”)
This is not only a comfort meal but also very nutritious*. I used a pork loin in this recipe (aka The Other White Meat) but you may want to use the pork shoulder or butt which makes for a moister and more tender piece of meat as the loin can be overcooked and dry out if not monitored.
If using the other two cuts of meat, you can cook one whole piece of meat or cut it into pieces before cooking. There are two methods of cooking this dish and I have listed both.
Here is your Shopping List:
1. Pork Loin, Shoulder or Butt
2. 12 oz bag (or jar) of your favorite Sauerkraut
3. Paprika
4. 2 Large Bay Leaves
5. Salt and Pepper (to taste)
6. Vegetable Oil (using stovetop method)
SLOW COOKER METHOD (4-6 hours on high or 6-8 hours on low depending on the weight of meat):
Add ½ of the sauerkraut to the bottom of the crockpot. Salt and pepper the pork on both sides and place on top. Add the remaining kraut on top of the meat. Season with paprika and add the 2 large bay leaves.
Cover and cook for at least four hours (depending on the size and cut. If using the pork loin you want to make sure it does not dry out from over cooking. The fattier cut of the pork will cook differently. Remove the Loin, slice and serve with the kraut and mashed potatoes.
STOVETOP METHOD (1 to 1-1/2 hours):
Cut the meat into smaller pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Add vegetable oil to a hot pot. Sear the meat for 1-2 minutes per side. Add the sauerkraut to the meat, paprika and bay leaf. Add 1 cup of water.
Cover and cook on medium-low stirring every 15 minutes until meat is fully cooked. Feel free to add more sauerkraut if you are a lover.
*Fun Fact: Sauerkraut aka ‘fermented cabbage’ has amazing health benefits far beyond fresh cabbage due to the fermentation process in which probiotics are produced. It is also a rich source of vitamins and can aid in digestion and boost immunity.
So, let’s get healthy and savor the serenity!
Thecia DeLap is not only a successful mortgage lender for VanDyk Mortgage Corporation, but is also an Italian culinary artist who knows her way around the kitchen and has experience cooking, catering, entertaining and planning for large corporate events as well as smaller gatherings. To reach her, you can email her at or message her at: