To The Editor:
Today’s technology has drawbacks. Call a business and you get a machine with prompts. Turn on a TV set and you need to focus on a small button on a remote control loaded with them.
Get into a car and there are so many gauges, controls and push buttons it takes a week to master them.
Also, order something online, it arrives and it does not fit. Returns are too hard to bother with.
All these examples have a negative connotation to them and are practically contemporary daily activities.
Anyone remember the days of calling a business and a live person answering? Or a TV set with three channels with rabbit ears?
The number of gauges, controls and push buttons were few in number. Even better, remember card catalogs and what is commonly referred to now as snail mail was considered functional.
Today’s technology isn’t all terrible. Access a computer, a search engine and information is a click away.
Email is a lightning fast way to communicate, and air bags in cars are an excellent safety feature.
Anyhow, does anyone have a yearning for the days when technology was less advanced and simpler?
If you are for this process, raise your hand in the air. Good; the past and a simpler time may be gone, but it still has ample fans who long for its easy nature when it comes to technology. Yesteryear, we want you back.
Pat Dwyer
Bladen County
Editors Note: The Robesonian welcomes letters from the greater Robeson County area. Letters should be no longer than 400 words and include the name and city/town of residence, as well as a phone number for confirmation only. Phone numbers will not be published. Questions? Contact Executive Editor David Kennard at 910-739-4322 or dkennard@robesonian.com.