1. Is the book of Simon (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither?
2. How many chosen men of Israel did Saul take with him to the wilderness of Ziph to search for David? 12, 100, 200, 3000
3. From 1 Samuel 3, whose voice did Samuel think it was when he first heard God calling him? Jonathan, Saul, Ahiah, Eli
4. The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any …? Tongue, Knife, Two-edged sword, Wit
5. From Genesis 26, where did Isaac stay when there was a famine in the land? Gerar, Endor, Sychar, Lydda
6. What insect was a plague on the Egyptians? Wasp, Locust, Flea, Cockroach
ANSWERS: 1) Neither, 2) 3000, 3) Eli, 4) Two-edged sword, 5) Gerar, 6) Locust